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LAST EDIT:Jan 15, 2024

Running a Public Subtensor

You can run a public subtensor node and synchronize with the Bittensor network. You can run this subtensor node as either a lite node or as an archive node, and connect and sync with either the Bittensor mainchain or the testchain. This document describes how to run a public subtensor node either by compiling the subtensor source code into a binary and executing this binary, or by using a Docker container.

A public subtensor vs a local blockchain

Note that running a public subtensor node locally, as described above, is not the same as running a local blockchain, also referred as running on staging. When you run a local blockchain, it is for the purposes of developing and testing your subnet incentive mechanism. This local blockchain is not public and hence it is isolated from any Bittensor network. See the below diagram.

Components of Incentive MechanismComponents of Incentive Mechanism

Method 1: By compiling the source code

Install basic packages

Install the basic requirements by running the below command on a terminal.

sudo apt install build-essential git make clang libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev protobuf-compiler -y

Install Rust

Next, install Rust and update the environment by running the following commands:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf >


chmod +x


./ # You can select default options in the prompts you will be given

and finally,

source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

Update rustup

Run the below command:

rustup default stable && \
rustup update && \
rustup update nightly && \
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly


Next, compile the subtensor source code. Follow the below steps:

Clone the subtensor repo:

git clone

cd into the subtensor directory:

cd subtensor

Compile with cargo:

cargo build --release --features runtime-benchmarks

You can now run the public subtensor node either as a lite node or as an archive node. See below:

Run a lite node

To run a lite node, execute the below command:

./target/release/node-subtensor \
--base-path /tmp/blockchain \
--chain ./raw_spec.json \
--rpc-external --rpc-cors all \
--ws-external --no-mdns \
--ws-max-connections 10000 --in-peers 500 --out-peers 500 \
--bootnodes /dns/ \
--sync warp

Run an archive node

To run an archive node, execute the below command:

./target/release/node-subtensor \
--base-path /tmp/blockchain \
--chain ./raw_spec.json \
--rpc-external --rpc-cors all \
--ws-external --no-mdns \
--ws-max-connections 10000 --in-peers 500 --out-peers 500 \
--bootnodes /dns/ \

Method 2: Using Docker

Install git

sudo apt install git

Install Docker

Follow Docker's oficial installation guides.

Clone the subtensor repo

Clone the subtensor repo:

git clone

Then cd into the subtensor directory:

cd subtensor
Run Docker first

Before you proceed, make sure that Docker is running.

Lite node on mainchain

To run a lite node connected to the Bittensor mainchain, run the below command.

docker compose up -d mainnet-lite # To run a lite node on the mainnet

Archive node on mainchain

To run an archive node connected to the Bittensor mainchain, run the below command.

docker compose up -d mainnet-archive

Lite node on testchain

To run a lite node connected to the Bittensor testchain, run the below command.

docker compose up -d testnet-lite

Archive node on testchain

To run an archive node connected to the Bittensor testchain, run the below command.

docker compose up -d testnet-archive
LAST EDIT:Jan 15, 2024