
Module Contents#



Executes the 'inspect' command, which compiles and displays a detailed report of a user's







path (str) –

Return type:


Return type:


class bittensor.commands.inspect.InspectCommand#

Executes the ‘inspect’ command, which compiles and displays a detailed report of a user’s wallet pairs (coldkey, hotkey) on the Bittensor network. This report includes balance and staking information for both the coldkey and hotkey associated with the wallet.

Optional arguments: -all: If set to True, the command will inspect all wallets located within the specified path. If set to False, the command will inspect only the wallet specified by the user.

The command gathers data on: - Coldkey balance and delegated stakes. - Hotkey stake and emissions per neuron on the network. - Delegate names and details fetched from the network.

The resulting table includes columns for: - Coldkey: The coldkey associated with the user’s wallet. - Balance: The balance of the coldkey. - Delegate: The name of the delegate to which the coldkey has staked funds. - Stake: The amount of stake held by both the coldkey and hotkey. - Emission: The emission or rewards earned from staking. - Netuid: The network unique identifier of the subnet where the hotkey is active. - Hotkey: The hotkey associated with the neuron on the network.

Usage: This command can be used to inspect a single wallet or all wallets located within a specified path. It is useful for a comprehensive overview of a user’s participation and performance in the Bittensor network.

Example usage: >>> btcli inspect >>> btcli inspect –all

Note: The ‘inspect’ command is for displaying information only and does not perform any transactions or state changes on the Bittensor network. It is intended to be used as part of the Bittensor CLI and not as a standalone function within user code.

static run(cli)#

Inspect a cold, hot pair.

static check_config(config)#

config (bittensor.config) –

static add_args(parser)#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) –